Where do I source clients
Jun 24, 2024This is kinda like dating...If you haven't done it in a while, he's a short questions guide 😉
- Start where you already hang out. Where do you spend a disproportionate amount of your time?
- The gym, IG, YouTube, your local grocery store, your church? Wherever it is. Start there.
- Go to where your people are. Where do your ideal clients hang out?
- If you don't know your ideal client, then ask, "what type of people do I love to hang out with? What type of people inspire and energize me?
Ideally, we want to step into spaces that have us owning our expertise and showcasing our leadership. Here are a few places that have already been filtered for growth-minded people:
ICF Chapters
Meet Ups
- Conferences
- Masterminds
Client Generator Practices:
- Ask a client, colleague, or friend... "Who do you know who [insert ideal trait or situation]?
- 5 to get 5 to get 25. Call 5 people, ask (Credit: Accomplishment Coaching)
- Create a coaching blurb invite to send to friends and colleagues that uses your language to introduce coaching. It's not fair or right to assume that even people that know us well can speak to our work on our behalf. Give them a 2-4 sentence overview of what you do and how you do it.
- Map out your network of capability - the people in your world. Focus on those you deeply respect, the go-getters, or people of influence. Bringing awareness to your network that already exists allows you to connect more strategically.