When is the right time to ask for a testimonial?

coaching performance Jul 08, 2024

I got an awesome perspective shift on testimonials this past weekend: “testimonials are an invitation for your client to put themselves full display and share about THEIR wins and accomplishments. As the asker, you are offering them a platform and saying, ‘I value our work together and I’m proud of working with you so much that I want to tie your name to mine’”.

It was a HUGE shift for me with testimonials (I often related to them as over-asking or burdensome).

So... to the tactics... 

There aren't any wrong times to ask for a testimonial, but there are certainly some right ones. We often wait until the end of the engagement to make this ask... but why? Doesn't it make sense to ask as your client are progressing through the journey? They can provide real-time insights into what it like to work with you. Don’t wait until the end of the agreement! 

  1. In the moment: Feeling the energy? Client just acknowledged you? Ask them if they would be willing to repeat what they said as you hit record. 
    • Con: This also might disrupt the flow of the coaching session. And the client might be emotional or not ready to be on camera
  2. At the beginning of the next session: Ask, "would you be willing to share that brilliant insight at the beginning of our next session. I'd love to capture it for you and as a testimonial for others - I know a lot of other people would benefit from hearing it" 
  3. Routinely at different intervals: You might say, "every 3 months or so, I'd like to check-in and ask for a testimonial-type progress statement. This is to ensure we're still on the right track, encourages you to take stock of how coaching is working for you, and is extremely valuable to others that might be considering joining my coaching practice".  
    • Ex. "In my 8-week program, I ask after 4 weeks, 6 weeks, and 8 weeks." 
  4. When they have a breakthrough or big win: Reflect their brilliance and then have them go again. This records and distills the insight for them and with their permission is something you can showcase. 
  5. At the end of the engagement: This one is the most frequently use and logical one. See the testimonial template at the bottom of this page. 



Thanks for your willingness to write a testimonial – as I continue to grow, your words are tremendously impactful! 

I’m looking for a few lines/paragraph about the experience and impact of our work together. There are a few examples at the base of my LinkedIn, but in short, I'd love something authentic that speaks to the real life value you got out of our work together. There are a few prompts below as a guide, and I trust your creativity!

What I really want to know is… 

  • When you think about me and our work together… what do you think about? 
  • What new ways of being or mindset did you shift? What results did you create/achieve? 
  • What is different about your life now? What has this program given you?

As for format, please use what's natural for you: text or video are great. 

If you do decide to shoot a video (some people start up a Zoom and hit record), this frame/orientation is best

Please submit to LinkedIn [go to Seb's profile > click "More" > "Recommend"] and Facebook. Let me know if you have any issues accessing either. While it will live on LinkedIn, Facebook, and my website, I may occasionally share these on other platforms as well!

With thanks,


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