
coaching performance Apr 01, 2024

We often oscillate between scarcity and abundance, always feeling like we need more or comparing ourselves to having more than enough.

But there's a third way: sufficiency.

It's the experience of actually having enough, based on a clear understanding of our needs and resources.

When we define 'enough' (time, money, resources), we can achieve a sense of contentment and stability that eludes the constant chase of more. and find a place of balance and peace.

Here are some key steps to cultivating sufficiency:

  • Get clear on your income, expenses, and financial goals.
  • Define what "enough" means for you - in all areas of life
  • Practice gratitude for what you already have
  • Make conscious choices aligned with your values and priorities
  • Regularly review and adjust your "enough" benchmark as needed

Embracing sufficiency doesn't mean settling for less. It means having the clarity and confidence to know when you have what you need to live a fulfilling life on your terms.

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