Sliding Scale Pricing

coaching entrepreneurship Jul 15, 2024

Let's talk sliding scale pricing for coaches and consultants (cuz I don't think we talk about money enough 🤗).

It can be a bit of a sticky (and slippery slope) topic, but one that I think is important to have a model around.
For many people, using a structured, yet flexible pricing model is about creating alignment with your values. It's an act of moral principle and inclusivity.
A few reasons why the sliding scale may make sense for your business:
  1. It can diversify your client base.

  2. It builds trust from day one.

  3. Impact isn't limited by client income (it encourages an equitable business model)


AND if this model doesn't fit your business in this chapter (or ever), great. I've seen many coaches and practitioners commit to donations, probono coaching, or let their work be their service.
I'm just out here tryna make sure financial constraints don't dictate access to growth.
Remember: Your work is too important to be limited by traditional pricing models.
Thanks to Alexis J. Cunningfolk for deepening this concept.

You can find her article here: https://www.wortsandcunning.com/blog/sliding-scale 

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Sliding Scale Pricing

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