Finding Your Niche

coaching Mar 04, 2024

"You have to pick a niche!"

Having a customer base that you serve IS a good idea... and this is practically great advice for new or aspiring coaches.

But, niching didn't work for me.

At least not for the first 2-3 years of running my business. The premise of picking a niche felt daunting and irreversible. And for service-based entrepreneurs, I often feel it's forced too early.

**Btw - I think this mindset applies broadly to any time we make a decision to align our values and actions. Ie. selecting a major, career path, dating, etc. Uncertainty and indecision are both normal and expected.

What I've found is that your niche isn't about forcing a fit, it's allowing the perfect cohort to emerge through relationship and aligned work (the kind that brings you so much joy that you can't help but talk about it). I believe people (aka your ideal clients) will be naturally drawn to you if you're willing to show up, share, and serve authentically. It's a slower game, but it's more rewarding.

As you start coaching more folks from diverse backgrounds, here are a few questions to ask that might help you find clarity:
- What are the commonalities of the folks who come to me?
- Who lights me up? Which of my clients can't I wait to get on the phone with?
- Whose problems deeply resonate? What do I love about solving them?

Over time, 'ideal' clients tend to self-select 🤷🏽‍♂️

Oh, and if you're a coach or service-based business, we explore topics like this in Authentic Business Mapping. Our next 4-month cohort starts up June! If this resonates, shoot me a DM and let's find a time to connect.

As an anti-niche nicher, I approve this message.
- Coach Seb

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