Empowering (but somewhat dark) mental frames I go to when I’m feeling stuck

coaching performance perspective Oct 21, 2024

A collection of phrases and quotes I find myself muttering on darker days. Thanks to those who said them, and my sincere apologies to those who told me so long ago, I cannot remember.

  • When you zoom out far enough, you can’t see the Earth. So that thing that you’re worried about, it ain’t that big.
  • Be willing to be misunderstood. It is the cost of pursuing something that many can’t and won’t ever see. It is the trade off we make to belong to ourselves.
  • Who are you to have the audacity to think you wouldn’t be challenged on your way to becoming the next version of yourself?
  • I cannot lose if I do not quit
  • No one else is coming…
  • In two generations, your name will likely be forgotten… might as well just do the thing 🤷🏽‍♂️
  • It could all be taken from you tomorrow… why not do it now?
  • You don’t have time… Why is your reason for waiting better than helping others transform?
  • Why not me?
  • There are way dumber people who have figured it out before me.
  • If you think your idea is bad… Someone signed off on a $36M budget for the production of Snakes on a Plane. Better yet, it made $62M at the box office 🤦🏽‍♂️
  • You don’t need to feel good to play good.
  • Just make the call. You can 7x the speed of success by making decisions by end of day.
  • Aim for time under tension… that we’re the growth is.
  • Forget “get comfortable being uncomfortable”… just stay uncomfortable
  • "The only rule is to stay in the game. Rather than focusing solely on short-term wins, shift your perspective to long-term goals and adaptability. Embrace uncertainty, seek learning experiences, and foster a growth mindset where there are no failures, only learning experiences." - Danny Kenny
  • “Choosing the plan isn’t hard. Doing the plan isn’t hard. Sticking to the plan is hard.” - Alex Hormozi
  • "A reminder for the gladiators in the arena who feel beat up and scarred with no hope in sight: Building a business is hard. "Hard" feels shitty. This is what hard feels like. And this is why most people can't do it. But you can." - Alex Hormozi
  • "Ninety percent of success can be boiled down to consistently doing the obvious thing for an uncommonly long period of time without convincing yourself that you're smarter than you are." - Shane Parrish
  • “The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the amount of uncertainty you can comfortably live with.” - Tony Robbins

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